Chateau weatherproof cowl 125mm
Clean, matte white finish.
Quiet monofilm backdraught shutter.
Birdmesh on underside to completely prevent entry.
Optional insect mesh.
Clean, matte black finish.
Chateau weatherproof cowl 150mm
Optional insect mesh insert for Chateau cowls.
Weatherproof Cowl - Stainless Steel 304
200mm with mesh only
150mm with mesh and flap
150mm with mesh only
125mm with mesh and flap
125mm with mesh only
100mm with mesh and flap
100mm with mesh only
Weatherproof Cowl - Matte Black
150mm with bird mesh & flap
125mm with bird mesh & flap
100mm with bird mesh & flap
Weatherproof Cowl - Gloss Black
Weatherproof Cowl - Pre-Primed
Weatherproof Cowl - White
Weatherproof Cowl - Brown
Weatherproof Cowl - White Aluminium with Fixed Louvre
150mm with mesh & flap
Intended for use in high wind areas
Weatherproof Cowl Optional Inserts
200mm/250mm Insect Mesh
150mm insect mesh
125mm Insect Mesh
100mm Insect Mesh
150mm Bird Mesh
150mm Aluminium Fixed Louvre
Weatherproof Cowl Technical Specification Download file
Pre-Primed Grille & Cowl Flyer Download file
Weatherproof Cowls Flyer Download file
Black Grille Selections Download file